Imagine having food that’s absorbed straight into your body without the need for digestion. It would be like having nutrients fed straight into your blood system via an intravenous drip. You would be able to feed your body optimum amounts of nutrition for long life and health. People with restricted digestive functions would be able to enjoy a normal diet again. Your body would be able to get optimum amounts of nutrients at critical times when it needs them, like during physical exercise.


This is why Clinton Kaye and Glen Jarvis have teamed up with Peter Memete to create the Highest Performing Protein on the planet and the world’s FINEST Sports Supplements company.


Utilising the latest and cutting edge NANO Technology, Nano being from the measurement smaller than micro, this technology takes materials that are manufactured in powdered form and transforms them into tiny particles many times smaller than the original size, but keeps the integrity of the material. With the particles being so tiny, they are able to pass through cell membranes allowing assimilation straight into your body. Have a look today.